Know Your School

The children of the Pre-Primary Wing were taken on a vitual tour of the school. They were acquainted with different parts of their school. The children got an opportunity to see different areas of the school and understand their relevance. The school tour culminated with a worksheet which the tiny tots enjoyed thoroughly.


“Mother's love – a brilliant gem to be treasured.” The little dipsites of the Pre-Primary Wing celebrated the special occasion of Mother’s Day with great fervor and enthusiasm. The children prepared a surprise video for their mothers which was shared on Mother’s Day. They also prepared a beautiful craft expressing their love for their mother.

Earth Day: Small Steps, Big Impact..

Earth Day was commemorated with enthusiasm and purpose. Students engaged in various activities aimed at promoting environmental awareness and sustainability. The day was filled with opportunities, children made stick craft and medal depicting the ‘Mother Earth’. Through these activities, students were inspired to take responsibility for their impact on the planet and to work towards creating a greener, more sustainable future. This day was a reminder of the importance of environmental stewardship and the collective effort needed to protect our planet for generations to come.

Chitter Chatter Buddies

In the bustling classroom of Pre-Schoolers, there was an air of excitement as the little ones embarked on a journey of self-introduction and camaraderie through the engaging activity of "Chitter Chatter Buddies."

The activity commenced with a heartwarming session where the children took turns introducing themselves to their newfound buddies. Following the introductions, the little ones delved into the excitement of the "Beekaboo" worksheet, an interactive exercise designed to enhance their communication skills and spark creativity.

First Day Activities: Welcoming Little Explorers

As the children step into their new learning environment on the first day, we strove to create an atmosphere that is as warm and welcoming. These activities set the tone for the exciting journey ahead. Here’s how we made their first day memorable:

Headband and Handprint Clowns

The Pre-Schoolers embarked on their own creative adventure. They adorned headbands with flair, showcasing their unique style. But that wasn’t all—their little hands became the canvas for cheerful clowns. Handprints transformed into colourful faces, capturing the joy of discovery.

These activities not only fostered creativity but also helped the children bond with their peers. As they laughed, painted, and explored, they took their first steps into a world of learning and friendship.

My Favorite Story Character

Date: 26TH February 2024

The children entered their classrooms in a whirlwind of color and creativity, each dressed as their favorite story character, ready to bring the pages of their beloved tales to life. At the end of the day, there was a collective sense of joy and fulfillment in the air. Children departed with memories of a day filled with magic and wonder, and a renewed appreciation for the timeless tales that had captured their hearts.

My Favorite Story Character

Date: 26TH February 2024

The children entered their classrooms in a whirlwind of color and creativity, each dressed as their favorite story character, ready to bring the pages of their beloved tales to life. At the end of the day, there was a collective sense of joy and fulfillment in the air. Children departed with memories of a day filled with magic and wonder, and a renewed appreciation for the timeless tales that had captured their hearts.

Story Symphony

In our bustling school, every classroom became a stage as children transformed stories into a vibrant symphony of creativity. Our little storytellers embraced characters and plots, brought literature to life through spirited enactments. This fosters a love for storytelling and unleashing the boundless creativity of young minds.

Creativity Week Activities

Creativity knows no bounds, and our annual creativity exhibition on the theme “Toys” proved this fact. In a creative journey through the world of playthings, students displayed their amazing artistic and inventive skills. The creativity exhibition was a celebration of imagination, craftsmanship and the power of play. It highlighted that creativity can transform the simplest of objects into wonderful treasures. This event made a lasting impact, reminding us all that creativity is not only found on the canvas or stage, but also in the world of toys.

Dussehra Celebration

Dussehra is more than just a festival for the Pre-Primary Wing. It is a reflection of our commitment to impart holistic education that embraces culture, values, and traditions. It teaches our little ones that good will always prevail over evil and it instills in them the spirit of morality and unity. The children had fun creating an effigy of Ravana with paper cups. They also learned about the life of Lord Rama through engaging stories.

Gandhi Jayanti

On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, children of Pre-Primary Wing gathered to celebrate the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi by making their own charkhas with ice cream sticks. The day was filled with unity and purpose as these young minds learned about the importance of self-sufficiency and non-violence, Gandhi ji’s cherished values. As they diligently worked the spinning wheels, they not only honoured the Father of the Nation but also imbibed the timeless lessons of simplicity and self-reliance. Their heartwarming gesture serves as a reminder that his principles continue to inspire future generations to strive for a more peaceful and self-sustaining world.

Ninja Newcomers

Ninja Newcomers, was a wonderful opportunity to introduce young minds to the fascinating world of science through interactive and colourful experiments. We aimed to engage children in simple and hands-on activities that ignite their curiosity and spark their imagination.

DPS Super Chefs: A Culinary Extravaganza

The DPS Super Chef event held at our Pre-Primary Wing was a delightful culinary extravaganza that showcased the hidden culinary talents of our students. With excitement in the air, children put on their aprons and chef hats to create mouthwatering dishes. This event not only celebrated the art of cooking but also fostered a sense of camaraderie among children, making it a memorable and delicious experience for everyone.

Teachers’ Day Celebration

Teachers' Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate the dedication, hard work, and love that the teachers put into shaping the lives of the children.

Pre Primary Wing celebrated this special day with utmost enthusiasm and gratitude. The children spoke a few heartfelt lines about their beloved teachers to express their admiration and respect.

National Integration Week

To celebrate National Integration Week, the students participated in various activities that fostered a sense of unity and diversity. The children of the Pre-Primary Wing learnt about India’s rich and varied culture and how to respect and appreciate each other.

Healthy Tiffin Week and Table Etiquettes

A week of special activities were organised for the little ones in the Pre-Primary Wing, highlighting the importance of table etiquette and healthy eating, and about hygienic measures to prevent diseases and promote better health. The event included activities like cooking without fire, fancy dress, how to set the table, etc.

It was a week full of fun and learning.

International Day of Yoga

International Day of Yoga serves as a significant global platform to promote the practice of yoga and its transformative benefits. Our little ones too participated in this global celebration enthusiastically, which empowered them to embark on a lifelong journey of well-being and self-discovery through the practice of yoga.


“Mother's love – a brilliant gem to be treasured.” The little dipsites of the Pre-Primary Wing celebrated the special occasion of Mother’s Day with great fervor and enthusiasm. The children prepared a surprise video for their mothers which was shared on Mother’s Day. They also prepared a beautiful card expressing their love for their mother.

Personal Hygiene-Keep Clean Keep Safe

Personal hygiene, being the practice of keeping oneself clean, is important in promoting healthy living. An awareness session on personal hygiene was conducted for the children of the Pre-Primary Wing. Children were sensitized about the importance of personal hygiene by the teachers with the help of teaching and audio-visual aids. A bulletin board explaining different aspects of personal hygiene was also displayed.

Know Your School

The children of the Pre-Primary Wing were taken on a tour of the school. They were very excited as they walked through corridors to become acquainted with different parts of their school. The children got an opportunity to see different areas of the school and understand their relevance. The school tour culminated with a craft activity which the tiny tots enjoyed thoroughly.

Earth Day Celebration

The children enthusiastically participated in an interesting craft activity to commemorate our benevolent Mother Earth. On the occasion of the Earth Day, children were sensitized about the conservation of natural resources and motivated them to do their bit towards making their planet even more beautiful.

Story Symphony

Children’s love for stories is unmatched and a source of inspiration and wonder for the little ones. To boost their confidence, the children became storytellers and narrated a story in the class using props or some puppets.

World Soil Day

In order to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being, we celebrated World Soil Day on 5th December in the Pre-Primary Wing. Children sowed seeds in an earthen pot and put soil in it with the help of the gardener. The teachers highlighted the importance of healthy soil and how it affects our future.

Show and Tell

A ‘Show and Tell' activity was conducted and the children enthusiastically talked about various community helpers. They shared facts about different community helpers like gardeners, pilots, farmers, doctors etc, proudly stating what they want to be when they grow up. The activity not only made them fervent learners, but also opened a new window of awareness about the people around us, and the many ways in which they contribute to society.

Adventure Camp

When children are helped and allowed to experience challenges and adventure, even in a safe and controlled way, it helps develop their ability to deal with it and builds their self-confidence. The Rocksport adventure camp held at DPS Mathura Road for the Pre-Primary Wing was an opportunity for the children to take a leap ahead and experience the thrills of adventure in the safe warmth of the school environment.

Creativity Week Activities

Diwali Celebration

Diwali is a festival that signifies hope and joyous beginnings. To make the day more fun and frolic, children decorated ‘diyas’ in the class and made a beautiful flower Rangoli too. They enjoyed the celebrations wholeheartedly.


In order to facilitate new learning, divergent thinking and to expand the existing knowledge of our little ones, an event ‘Knowyopedia’ was organized. Keeping in sync with the theme and to foster the children’s creativity and curiosity, simple experiments were conducted where they observed and drew conclusions. It was fun learning for the students.

Dussehra Celebration

Dussehra signifies the victory of good over evil. To add to the excitement of the festival the little ones created a ‘Ravana’ puppet in the class with the help of two paper cups, red acrylic paint and two medium-sized googly eyes for the puppet.

Ninja Newcomers

To introduce the little ones to new experiences to explore and construct their own knowledge and love for the English language, we organized an event called ' Ninja Newcomers - An Alphabet Adventure'. A few interesting activities like- SPOON OF LETTERS and DUMB CHARADES were planned for the children to enhance their critical thinking, imagination, creativity and speaking skills. The children participated in the activities with great zeal and enjoyed these hands-on activities as they honed their vocabulary and communication skills.

Teachers’ Day Celebrations

Little Impressions - Where Learning is Fun

Janmashtami Celebration

Independence Day Celebration

World Chocolate Day

Everyone loves chocolates, especially children. We celebrated World Chocolate Day on 7th July. The annual global celebration of chocolate calls for indulging in delightful chocolate treats. A special cookie decorating activity had been planned as part of the celebration to make the day more enjoyable for the children.

National Reading Day

Books have tremendous power to shape our lives. National Reading Day is celebrated to make our little ones realize the importance of reading. It is one of the good habits which makes our reading skills, creative skills, analytical skills, vocabulary and concentration power strong. Let’s begin our journey into the world of books with a commitment to being lifelong learners.

Etiquette Week

The early years form the foundation for later life; hence the values and etiquettes children learn now will stay with them forever. Etiquette week was planned to get our little ones acquainted with small, but significant values to hold and cherish. The children were taught the golden words through role play and the teachers demonstrated the correct way to set the table.

Earth Day Celebration

The students of the Pre-Primary Wing enthusiastically participated in various activities to commemorate our benevolent Mother Earth. On the occasion of “Earth Day”, an array of creative activities were organized with a view to sensitize the children about the conservation of natural resources and to motivate them to do their bit towards making their planet even more beautiful. The day rekindled emotive concerns and instigated the youngsters to save, love and respect Mother Nature.

Little Impressions - Where Learning is Fun

Republi Day

100 Days Reading Campaign

Reading is the foundation of learning, which motivates students to read books independently, develops creativity, critical thinking, vocabulary and the ability to express both verbally and in writing. In order to inculcate lifelong reading habits amongst the children, it is important that we make reading enjoyable and interesting. Therefore, the activity-based approach is most effective in making the experience of reading exciting and joyful.

Show & Tell

Our future generations need to be sensitized towards their role in taking care of Mother Earth. In order to make children aware of their responsibility, a show and tell activity on 'Best out of waste' was planned for our little ones. This activity was unique where children got the opportunity to showcase their creativity. The little ones created something innovative and attractive from the material we do not use anymore and spoke a few lines on their masterpiece.

Christmas Celebration

Christmas brings cheer and love and we celebrated it with the same fervour, spreading the message of love and joy among our children.

The children indulged in various interesting online activities to celebrate this joyous time filled with happiness.

Little Impressions - Where Learning is Fun


Science offers children an understanding of the world around them. It nurtures their curiosity and helps with the cognitive development of the children. In order to give the children the opportunity to learn and grow, various experiments were shared with them. They performed the experiments on their own with great zeal and zest.

Little Impressions - Where Learning is Fun

Diwali Celebration

Creativity Week

Gandhi Jayanti Celebration

Ninja Newcomers

Teachers' Day 2021

Janmashtami Celebration

Rakshabandhan Celebration

Little Impressions - Where Learning is Fun

National Integration Week

India is a land of unity in diversity. It is diverse by religion, by language, by geographical features, by cuisines and by cultural practices and beliefs. Inspite of being related to different cultures, traditions, religions and languages, people respect each other and live together with lots of love and feeling of brotherhood. Our rich cultural heritage inspires us to live peacefully, rejoicing and celebrating all the festivals with equal enthusiasm, strengthening the bond of brotherhood with each passing day.

To instil the same in the children, an entire week was observed as NATIONAL INTEGRATION WEEK where kids performed various activities with great zeal.

Suno Kahani

'SUNO KAHANI' a story fest which brightened the day for the little ones. A day where expression and life was in abundance. Story telling is one of the most effective ways to communicate with students. A story stays with the children much longer than facts. It’s a never-ending journey of learning and understanding of the world around us.

To foster the skills of listening and reading, the teachers of the Pre Primary Wing created stories through an enactment and use of puppets. Children enjoyed the stories thoroughly and these sessions helped the young souls think creatively.


Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It connects the mind, body and soul in pursuit of inner harmony. Teaching little ones the importance of yoga at an early age inculcates in them life long good habits and leads to building a healthy lifestyle.
